10 Meter SSTV Repeater
The 10 meter slow scan repeater consists of a Kenwood TS-570 locked at the calling frequency of 28.680Mhz USB. The radio is connected to a PC running MMSSTV in repeater mode. Any SSTV picture that the repeater hears will be received and posted to the website. If a 1477Hz tone for 1.5 seconds precedes the SSTV image, the repeater will then provide a CW ID. Wait for the CW ID to complete, this is your signal to transmit your SSTV picture. The repeater will re-transmit the picture in the same mode in which it was received (as a store-and-forward which is after the picture is received in full). The antenna is a vertical ground plane behind the clubhouse.
Live SSTV Cam 28.68Mhz USB
Repeater burst tone 1477Hz for 1.5s, then send after CW ID
Images received at W3HZU will take a minute or so to process and appear here.